Thursday, August 8, 2013

Inspiration can lead to motivation

Recently I just put down two great books. Have you ever heard the same information and advice over and over again but you just don't listen until you hear it put in that perfect way, from the right source, and then it's as if an epiphany hits, strikes you down like lightning? "Yes…Yes, that is exactly what I need to do!" Regardless of if you’re familiar with such an experience, it is what happened to me - somewhat- . 

Recently I have come down with a serious bout of depression while contemplating my life, my future, my past and current successes, and prospects. The more I think on it the more disappointing I become with who I am and the bleak outlook my future presents. I don't want to drag my health and my emotional self down with depressing thoughts and outlooks on life and I have sought out so much advice from family, friends, strangers, as well as books, and while all have told me relatively the same thing I always asserted that my situation wasn't that easy, that it can't just be so simply fixed. Every week I would give myself a goal for the next two weeks or for the month, a health goal or fitness goal (health and fitness have become more and more important to me over the years) and yet every time I wouldn't stick through, I would cave and I would blame it on lack of will power, lack of motivation to do so but the truth is somewhere deeper inside… I just continued to crave failure, so I had a reason to complain and a reason to be depressed. 

After putting down my first book 'The Happiness Project' By, Gretchen Rubin certain things others said and she said started to click into place. There are so many things I want to do in my life and I beat myself down by not trying them, by saying I just can't, I don't have the money, I don't have the time. In truth, we always have the time; we can make it, for doing the things we love, the things we crave. We need to gamble on ourselves a little, try new things, invest in farfetched hobbies of ours, and be confident about our dreams and goals; we will get there if we put forth a bit of effort.

Gretchen's book resonated very well with the second book I picked up 'The Earth Diet' By, Liana Werner-Gray. The most inspirational, motivating content of both books was when they spoke about loving who you are, the body that you have and the situation that you are in for what it is now but don't be content with it, don't settle in with it, it's not where you will be forever. You will continue to grow and improve and change, and as long as you stay positive, think happy, eat happy, and work happy you will continue to live in an environment of positive growth and achievement. For myself, my body image is always been a detrimental foe toward my mental health. To be perfectly honest, while what they said makes so much sense and really helps me think about my life in a different way the change isn't that instant. I still have trouble looking at myself in the mirror and smiling, thinking that I'm beautiful. I still have issues with stress eating, binging, beating myself down, thinking negatively, etc. more often than not, but now a lot of the time I can tell myself to stop and think about quotes from my books to help me fend off the negativity. I love the stories and perspectives these women have to offer others, to help others and someday I want my story to be one of dedication to life, to change and to self improvement, spiritually and physically. I want to learn to love my body for what it is while still living in the atmosphere of constant growth and improvement. As Liana Werner-Gray said “If you do feel guilty then feel it for a few moments, feel the pain of it and then shift yourself to feeling good.”.

The biggest obstacle in my life is my negativity, my attitude and my lack of willingness to get down and dirty to get things done. These are the reasons I wanted to start my own Happiness health plan, after all the foundation to being happy is to be healthy physically and mentally.

I crave a life worth something, filled with adventures, friends, stories, and most importantly self-discovery. I hanker for more than the tedious 8 to 5 job and the monotony of everyday running about of my ordinary life. More than anything I want to fee fulfilled, I want to find that something worth wild in this crazy fuckery of the world. I suppose that is why I started my blog, to start exploring, to hear the advice and stories of others, to hold myself accountable to my possible readers to continue to push myself forward in improving physically and mentally and work on making my dreams come true. After all, I want the fullest and grandest experiences from my life that is possible, doesn’t everyone?  

I’m curious, how many others share my similar struggles, and similar desires? Who out there has changed their outlook, and health because they just no longer wanted to be dragged down by their own self perceived limitations? I would love to hear your stories for I just started my long journey to self-discovery and even though I have been motivated I seem to be moving at a snail’s pace.


  1. Amber, so happy you found inspiration to be and become who you can be and become! Press on and keep sharing your hopes and dreams! Bon chance!
